
Choose STEM strand for a better future

Once students reach the critical stage in high school when they must choose their desired academic strand, it is essential to analyze the potential benefits of each strand. Among the variety of subjects available, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM ) stands out as an excellent choice for incoming grade 11 students These are the Benefits in STEM STRAND   1.Develops a basic grasp of practical skills and knowledge  2.Prepares students for emerging and high-demand careers 3.Encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills 4.Develops digital and technological literacy 5.Enhances teamwork and collaboration skills 6.Expands opportunities for scholarships and financial aid 7.Cultivates adaptability and resilience 8. Expand your choices in choosing a college course     1.Develops a basic grasp of practical skills and knowledge    The STEM strand equips students with a strong foundation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, creating a holistic approach